Shi, Y., Prieto, P. L., Zepel, T., Grunert, S., & Hein, J. E. (2021). “Automated Experimentation Powers Data Science in Chemistry.” Accounts of Chemical Research. [ARTICLE]
Shiri, P., Lai, V., Zepel, T., Griffin, D., Reifman, J., Clark, S., Grunert, S., Yunker, L., Steiner, S., Situ, H., Yang, F., Prieto, P., & Hein, J. (2020). “Automated Solubility Screening Platform Using Computer Vision.” ChemRxiv Pre-print. [ARTICLE]
Zepel, T., Lai, V., Yunker, L. P. E., & Hein, J. E. (2020). “Automated Liquid-Level Monitoring and Control using Computer Vision.” ChemRxiv Pre-print. [ARTICLE]
Zepel, T. (2018). Contemporary Data Visualization: A Cultural History and Close Readings [PhD Dissertation, UC San Diego]. Available on ProQuest Dissertation & Thesis.
Manovich, L., Douglass, J., & Zepel, T. (2012). How to Compare One Million Images? In D. Berry (Ed.), Understanding Digital Humanities. Palgrave Macmillan UK. [ARTICLE]
Zepel, T. (2011, April 6). Revisiting the Twitter Experiment (In Context). The New Everyday. [ARTICLE]
Zepel, T. (2011). Cultural Analytics at Work: The 2008 U.S. Presidential Online Video Ads. In Video Vortex Reader II: Moving Images Beyond Youtube. Institute of Network Cultures.
Tijuana/San Diego: Cooperation and Confrontation at the Interface, catalogue interviews. gallery@galit2, University of California, San Diego, 2009.
“Data Visualization for Impactful Science Communication,” AWIS East Bay, October 29, 2020. [SLIDES]
“Situated Data Viz: Context, Interaction & Building Meaning,” Critical Visualization for Humanities Research: Designing for People, Context and Politics, Vancouver, Canada, March 4, 2020 (Workshop co-organizer).
“Situated Visualization: Emotion and Ethics in U.S. Gun Deaths,” Museums and the Web, MWX Grad School Colloquium, Chicago, April 8-11, 2015.
“Visualization as Process, Not Product,” Cultural Analytics, Information Aesthetics, and Distant Readings Workshop. Leuphana University, Lüneberg, Germany, July 4-5, 2014.
“What is Visualization in Digital Art History.” College Art Association THATCamp 2014. Chicago, February 10-11, 2014. [SLIDES]
“Visualization as a Digital Humanities __________ ?” The Storm of Progress: New Horizons, New Narratives, New Codes, HASTAC 2013. Toronto, April 25-28, 2013. [SLIDES]
“@Student in the #University Lecture Hall: Informal Twitter Use and Shifting Walls.” Panel on Education (In So Many Words), Mobility Shifts Conference. New School, New York, October 11-16, 2011. [SLIDES]
“Distributed Objectivities of Imagining: The generative scholarship driving ‘Networked.’” Networked Humanities: Art History in the Web, ESF Research Conference. Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, 2010. [SLIDES]